
Here are several articles on business etiquette that I hope you find enjoyable and helpful. Click any link to read the full article.

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Creating Legendary Customer Service

Good customer service—we talk a lot about it, but what does it really mean?  Most of us can think of a time when we were on the receiving end of good customer service—when someone did something special, unexpected and out-of-the-ordinary.  That business person was focused on the customers and practicing a bit of business etiquette.
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Business Etiquette – Deal Maker or Deal Breaker?

In the best of times, etiquette can give you the edge over your competition. In difficult times, manners will set you apart. There are any number of companies that can offer the same services and products as you. The critical difference is ultimately how you make people feel when they do business with you.
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Much Ado About Business Dining

Taking clients to breakfast, lunch or dinner has long been an effective way to build relationships, make the sale or seal the deal. Business meals are business meetings. Knowledge of your product or service is crucial to the success of the occasion, but so are your manners.
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E-mail Errors That Can Cost You Business

By now, most people have mastered the technical aspects of online communication, but there are still far too many who haven’t come to terms with the etiquette of e-mail. Most e-mail errors are caused by three, easy to eliminate errors.
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The Seven Habits of Highly Successful Networkers

All business people are networkers whether they realize it or not. Every time you meet someone, you are networking. Every time you greet someone, you are networking. Every time you pick up the phone, you are networking. Some are more effective than others and enjoy it more than others.  Anyone can master the art of networking with a bit of effort and a little magic.

Every time you send an e-mail, you are networking.
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