Success Tweets for Creating Positive Personal Impact
Success Tweets for Creating Positive Personal Impact
Author: Lydia Ramsey and Bud Bilanich
Success Tweets for Creating Positive Personal Impact is a career advice book about Twitter etiquette that will show you how to create positive personal impact, an important skill for branding yourself as a polished professional. Life and career success depend on how you brand yourself.
Branding yourself as a professional who exhibits polish in every aspect of life and career is simple common sense. It’s not hard, but you need to do it right. In this book, career coaches Bud Bilanich and Lydia Ramsey will guide you on your journey to becoming a polished professional.
You’ll get 140 bits of common sense advice on branding yourself as a polished professional, all in 140 characters or less. As with all of the Success Tweets books, you get the essentials with no fluff. Your time is valuable. You don’t want to waste it. That’s why you get these 140 bits of advice Twitter-style, in 140 characters or less.
The tweets inside Success Tweets for Creating Positive Personal Impact are solid career advice on an increasingly important career success skill.
In Praise of Success Tweets for Creating Positive Personal Impact…
“As I read “Success Tweets for Creating Positive Personal Impact” I was reminded of so much advice that has been handed to me from others over many years. This was a great way to organize tips for living, tips for doing business, and tips for creating relationships. The book took hardly any time to read, since the format is composed of tips with about 140 characters. This book would be a great gift for the high school and college graduate, as well as a person just starting out in business. However, don’t underestimate the value of this collection of advice from the pros. Seasoned business people will appreciate these reminders too!”
Rosemarie Rossetti, Ph.D.